Your Tyres and Service Website allows customers to order their tyres in 4 simple steps without the need to register any account.
1. Search for Tyres either by Registration or Tyre Size
2. View The Tyre Range available for search criteria (either Registration or Tyre Size)
A range of filters are available allowing the customer to refine their search by price, manufacturer and tyre type (e.g. extra load, winter tyres etc.)
The customer selects how many tyres and clicks "Book"
3. Basket
The basket stage in separated into 3 parts. First is the basket stage, this is where the customer can view the tyres they are ordering.
The second part is services, this allows the customer to add any additional services that you offer.
4. Checkout
The last part is the complete order page, this is where the customer will select their slot for fitting, enter all their details and place their order.